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At this page we will display all the other items we have collected during the time.

There are some rare items such as French pewter pieces from Alexandre Charpentier, Maurice Dufrene. G. Coudray.

Pieces from Germany such as Gerhardi , Bingit Reineman & Lichtinger Bruckmann silver cutlery from Clarfeld designed by Joseph Maria Olbrich , Belt buckle from Hermann Bauer , copper cigar cutter from Ignatius Taschner , rare pewter plate from Hans Knorr ,

And much more

Items in our collection

Silver Pendant

Silver Pendant

Dated : 1900

Marked : 800

height : 1.0 inch / 2.5 cm
width : 1.5 inch / 3.5 cm

Art nouveau Pewter letter holder

Art nouveau Pewter letter holder

date : 1900

Made in Germany

width : 6.5 inch / 17 cm

metal on wood wall plaque

metal on wood wall plaque

not marked

width : 15.0 inch / 38.0 cm

This wall plaque is in the 1904 catalogue of
the Warehouse of A. Wertheim Berlin ( Germany)

metal on wood wall plaque

metal on wood wall plaque

not marked

width : 15.0 inch / 38.0 cm

This wall plaque is in the 1904 catalogue of
the Warehouse of A. Wertheim Berlin ( German

bronze wall plaque

bronze wall plaque
date : 1900

designer P. Tereszuk

width : 7.5 inch / 17.5 cm

French art nouveau enamelled vase

French art nouveau enamelled vase
date : 1910

Signed : J Sarlardie Limoges

height : 6.0 inch / 15.0 cm

brass punch bowl

brass punch bowl
date : 1900

not marked but designed by Ludwig Vierthaler
and made by J. Winhart & Co

width : 8.0 inch / 20.0 cm

Wood and metal glove box

Wood and metal glove box
date : 1905

length : 12 inch /30.5 cm
width : 4.5 inch /11.5 cm
height :3.0 inch /7.6 cm

The metal is hammered copper and pink /purple beads

letter seal with initials FA

letter seal with initials FA

date : 1904

designer : Friedrich Adler

height : 3.5 inch /9.0 cm

Copper wall plaque with Mucha design

Copper wall plaque with Mucha design
probably Austrian

date : 1900

not marked

length : 11.0 inch / 28.0 cm
width : 10.0 inch / 25.0 cm