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At this page we will display all the other items we have collected during the time.

There are some rare items such as French pewter pieces from Alexandre Charpentier, Maurice Dufrene. G. Coudray.

Pieces from Germany such as Gerhardi , Bingit Reineman & Lichtinger Bruckmann silver cutlery from Clarfeld designed by Joseph Maria Olbrich , Belt buckle from Hermann Bauer , copper cigar cutter from Ignatius Taschner , rare pewter plate from Hans Knorr ,

And much more

Items in our collection

Bingit GBN original catalogue

GBN original catalogue

date :1905

This GBN original catalogue contains copper nickel and pewter items.
This catalogue was for the French market and
also includes 2 order forms and enveloppes.

size : 11..0 x 9.0 inch / 28.0 x 22.5 cm

Bingit plate

BINGIT plate

date : 1904/1906

marked : BINGIT ZINN and GBN in a lozenge

Ø: 7.3 inch / 18.5 cm

BINGIT bottle coaster

BINGIT bottle coaster

date : 1904/1906

BINGIT ZINN and GBN in a lozenge

Ø : 6.0 inch / 15.0 cm

BINGIT coasters

BINGIT coasters
date : 1904/1906

no marking

Ø : 4.2 inch /10cm

note there are 5 coasters

Bingit liqueur glass

Bingit liqueur glass

date : 1904 / 1905

marked : not marked

height : 4.8 inch / 12.0 cm

Bitter & Gobbers cigar lamp

Bitter & Gobbers cigar lamp

date : 1900 /1902

marked : B&G imperial zinn number 4773

height : 9.0 inch / 23 cm

Charpentier Bronze doorknob " Le Triangle"

Bronze doorknob "Le Triangle"

date : 1896

Designer : Alexandre Charpentier (1856–1909)

marked : AC

height : 2.4 inch / 7.0 cm

Charpentier Art nouveau medal

Art nouveau medal

Dated : 1900

Designer Alexandre Charpentier

Marked : AC

Inscription : Sommet De la tour eifel
Souvenir de L'ascension

width : 1.8 inch / 4.0 cm

Charpentier Bronze plaquette "La Peinture

Bronze plaquette "La Peinture"

date : 1899

Designer : Alexandre Charpentier (1856–1909)

Famous for his relief’s of womans

marked : AC

height : 2.1 inch / 5.2 cm

Charpentier Bronze medal "Duval Janvier"

Bronze medal "Duval Janvier"

date : 1902

Designer : Alexandre Charpentier (1856–1909)

marked : ALMC

height : 2.1 inch / 5.2 cm